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Birkleigh Collection 

Birkleigh Pendant 




Size:14.25" DIA x 9" H

The Birkleigh 14-inch convertible pendant/semi flush with white fabric shade and satin etched glass features a simple metal geometric overlay pattern in clasic gold  

Finish:Classic Gold


Product Details

At a Glance


Product Setup

  • Can be used on angled Ceiling
  • Max Hanging Height: 50.25"

Bulb Requirements

  • Socket: 3 E12 (Candelabra)
  • Wattage: 40 W

Bundle with These Compatible Accessories

12" Accessory Stem Classic Gold

Accessory Stem

2999CLG (Classic Gold)

0.5" W x 12" LStem Segments


Shop the Birkleigh Collection

Birkleigh™ 11.5"  Pendant Satin Nickel without the canopy on a white backgroundBirkleigh™ 11.5"  Pendant Satin Nickel on a white background

Birkleigh Pendant

52072SN (Satin Nickel)

24" DIA x 12" HDrum4-Light


Birkleigh™ 18.25" Pendant Classic Gold without the canopy on a white backgroundBirkleigh™ 18.25" Pendant Classic Gold on a white background

Birkleigh Pendant

52073CLG (Classic Gold)

12" DIA x 18.25" H1-LightFabric Cylinder Shade


Birkleigh 3 Light Pendant Classic Gold on a white backgroundBirkleigh 3 Light Pendant Classic Gold on a white background

Birkleigh Pendant

52074CLG (Classic Gold)

14.25" DIA x 9" HConvertible3-Light


Birkleigh 3 Light Pendant Classic Gold on a white backgroundBirkleigh 3 Light Pendant Classic Gold on a white background

Birkleigh Pendant

52075CLG (Classic Gold)

18" DIA x 9.5" HConvertible3-Light


Birkleigh 3 Light Pendant Satin Nickel on a white backgroundBirkleigh 3 Light Pendant Satin Nickel on a white background

Birkleigh Ceiling Light

52076SN (Satin Nickel)

24" DIA x 13" HSemi-Flush Mount4-Light
